I haven't found time to do a lot of sewing but here are a few of the little things that I have managed to get done.
The little bunny was from a really old baby pattern that I had, it had some outfits but they seemed pretty dated but I thought that the little bunny toy would be really quick and easy to make and cute to stick in with a baby gift. It was super simple and I made it in just a few minutes. It is just two bunny shaped pieces sewn, turned, stuffed and embroidered with a simple face. 
I wanted to make some bibs and somewhere I had seen some made from jeans. I had an old pair of jeans with a hole in the knee but the backs of the legs were hardly worn at all. I cut a couple of bibs by tracing one that I had (I made the neck slightly bigger because my baby has a fat neck and the one I used as a pattern doesn't quite fit) and adding some scraps of ribbon for embellishment and a coordinating back. I finished it off with some topstitching and a little piece of velcro. Super simple and quick to make.
The baby shoes were made using the Stardust shoes pattern. It was pretty simple, I didn't love the pattern and I don't know that I will make it again, but that's just me. I have a chunky baby and they seemed like they would be too tight to fit where the opening is for the foot to go into. I have a couple other shoe patterns I would like to try, we'll see if there is another pattern out there that I like better.
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